Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoe Throwing Decalired as Illegal Act of Terror

In reaction to the act of Terrorism enacted upon George W. Bush while attending a press conference during his recent visit to Iraq, Homeland security has now declared any kind of Shoe Throwing an official act of Terrorism. It is commonly known in both America and Iraq that an Iraqi journalist has recently thrown the sum of two shoes at George W. Bush, President of the United States. Immediately after the incident the president joked to the other journalist that all he can report is that “the shoe is a size 10” while in excess of 30 Secret Service Agents beat the Shoe Terrorist until as one witness stated, “he screamed like a girl”. Iraqi citizens have taken to the street en mass to demand the release of the Shoe Terrorist and vow to continue and grow in number until his release. An American when asked about the recent developments chuckled and responded, “Yes, but how am I going to pay my mortgage" and "I thought Obama was our President".

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